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I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do.
- Helen Keller
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What's the need of Posting ?
"In helping others, we shall help ourselves,
for whatever good we give out completes the circle
and comes back to us."
( www.gateexam.co.cc)
- Helen Keller
Take these two easy steps to start posting :-
Step 1. Email your Article(if you know) with your Name to admin@gateexam.co.cc
Step 2. Your Question will be Published within a Single day and You will be Informed about that with link.
What's the need of Posting ?
"In helping others, we shall help ourselves,
for whatever good we give out completes the circle
and comes back to us."
( www.gateexam.co.cc)
Quotations for boosting confidence?
This is a time of compition, and due to the immense compition factor people are loosing their faith in themselves.So i have decided to write something about this topic.Here i am giving you some good phraises which will help you to boost your confidence.
* "Life, no matter how difficult it gets it's better than the alternative (death)."
* "Nothing is impossible for a willing hand"
* "Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen." - Robert Bresson
* It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.
* "Nothing happens by chance, everything happens for a reason. Your brain may not know the reason, it may never figure it out. But your heart knows, your heart always knows".In other words things happen as they should and will end well if you have faith in the happenings."
* "I used to joke when my teacher said this 9 years ago, but found it was quite true. When you come to the bridge, everything will straighten out"
* "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." -Herm Albright.
* "A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug."
* "Be positive in addressing the envelope to your future, For enclosed are your efforts from the past. Be certain of the postage and double check what class."
* "Sorrow is not the absence of happiness, it is our incapacity to behold it."
* "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
* "No man is free who is not master of himself."
* "in the eye of the storm.... i am calm" "be still....and know that i am god"
* "Of all the creatures in life, only Man does not know that life is to be enjoyed!"
* "Life, no matter how difficult it gets it's better than the alternative (death)."
* "Nothing is impossible for a willing hand"
* "Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen." - Robert Bresson
* It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.
* "Nothing happens by chance, everything happens for a reason. Your brain may not know the reason, it may never figure it out. But your heart knows, your heart always knows".In other words things happen as they should and will end well if you have faith in the happenings."
* "I used to joke when my teacher said this 9 years ago, but found it was quite true. When you come to the bridge, everything will straighten out"
* "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." -Herm Albright.
* "A strong positive attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug."
* "Be positive in addressing the envelope to your future, For enclosed are your efforts from the past. Be certain of the postage and double check what class."
* "Sorrow is not the absence of happiness, it is our incapacity to behold it."
* "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
* "No man is free who is not master of himself."
* "in the eye of the storm.... i am calm" "be still....and know that i am god"
* "Of all the creatures in life, only Man does not know that life is to be enjoyed!"
How to improve memory?
Memory Skills
How does our memory work?
We remember things by association. Every piece of information in our memory is connected to other pieces in some way or another. For example, if you are given the word "apple", what do you think of? Perhaps something like this:
APPLE: red, round, sweet, teacher, tree, fruit
But it's unlikely that we might see "apple" and think of "dog" (unless you remember some funny incident in which your dog investigated an apple). And what if you were asked what the 7th letter of the alphabet was? Chances are, you wouldn't know that "G = 7," but you could easily think to yourself, "A B C D E F G," and then say "G". You used association to get to the letter G, because you knew A was the first letter, then you kept choosing the next letter in the sequence until you got to the right one.
Why do most of us have a bad memory?
Most of us don't. Most of us have a really good memory, but we just don't have practice in using it efficiently.
If the above is true, then why is it so hard for me to remember things?
As stated before, our memory works by association. If there is no obvious association between things, it's very difficult to remember them. For example, suppose you needed to remember that your plane takes off at 2 P.M. There is nothing about the plane that would suggest the number 2 more than it would any other number (at least at first glance). Therefore, 2 is easily forgotten. Likewise, how does your best friend relate to his phone number, an arbitrary string of digits? Or how does a new word, like "hypothalamus," relate to what it represents?
How can we learn to remember things better?
Simple. If memory works by association, we actively work to create an association between two bits of information. For example, for the plane that we need to catch at 2 P.M., we can imagine the plane in our mind, and notice that it has 2 wings. Two wings, 2 P.M. There's an association. We are now ten times more likely to remember the take-off time long after it has faded from our short-term memory.
Sometimes an association comes very easily. For example, suppose you are introduced to a Mr. Hill who lives on a hill at the end of town. Mr. Hill on a hill. Pretty easy, huh? Or what if you're trying to remember the classroom number for a Chemistry class, and it just so turns out that it's the same as your dorm room number. Another natural association! Do you think you'll have a problem remembering it?
When pieces of information are not obviously related in any way, however, we have to be a bit more creative in linking things together. But it isn't as hard as it seems. Most of us learned rhymes and acronyms in school that helped us remember things. Do any of the following look familiar to you?
i before e except after c, or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh (rule for remembering ei or ie)
ROY G. BIV (colors of the rainbow)
All cows eat grass; Every good boy does fine (notes of musical scale)
Never eat sour watermelons (directions on a compass)
Why do they work?
Because they form an easy-to-remember and clever association between themselves and the information that is to be remembered.
The idea is to be creative and clever. You don't have to invent a rhyme or a poem every time you want to remember something, though -- just think of a picture in your mind that links pieces of information together, preferably something unusual or silly so it is more memorable. For example, suppose you want to remember that the football field is on Maple Street. You might imagine in your mind a burly football player eating a football for breakfast... he pours some maple syrup on the football, cuts off a chunk and eats it!
To demonstrate how effectively this works, look at the following list of words, and try to come up with an association between the left word and the right word of each row. Some will be easy; others may be harder. As an example, for the first pair, you might want to imagine a mouse that has a long, wavy tail that is in the shape of the letter S.
mouse S
fur R
train bridge
moat boat
popcorn chair
elephant pancake
toothbrush canal
umbrella triangle
After you have formed the associations (if you had trouble on one or two of them, that's okay; just skip them for now), cover up the right side of the list and then try to name the word associated with each word on the left. If you formed vivid, clear associations, you may be surprised at how quickly and easily you were able to remember everything!
Memory Game in Flash (New)
download Flash player
Short Notes About Improving Memory(pdf)
Understanding Memory Loss(pdf)
How does our memory work?
We remember things by association. Every piece of information in our memory is connected to other pieces in some way or another. For example, if you are given the word "apple", what do you think of? Perhaps something like this:
APPLE: red, round, sweet, teacher, tree, fruit
But it's unlikely that we might see "apple" and think of "dog" (unless you remember some funny incident in which your dog investigated an apple). And what if you were asked what the 7th letter of the alphabet was? Chances are, you wouldn't know that "G = 7," but you could easily think to yourself, "A B C D E F G," and then say "G". You used association to get to the letter G, because you knew A was the first letter, then you kept choosing the next letter in the sequence until you got to the right one.
Why do most of us have a bad memory?
Most of us don't. Most of us have a really good memory, but we just don't have practice in using it efficiently.
If the above is true, then why is it so hard for me to remember things?
As stated before, our memory works by association. If there is no obvious association between things, it's very difficult to remember them. For example, suppose you needed to remember that your plane takes off at 2 P.M. There is nothing about the plane that would suggest the number 2 more than it would any other number (at least at first glance). Therefore, 2 is easily forgotten. Likewise, how does your best friend relate to his phone number, an arbitrary string of digits? Or how does a new word, like "hypothalamus," relate to what it represents?
How can we learn to remember things better?
Simple. If memory works by association, we actively work to create an association between two bits of information. For example, for the plane that we need to catch at 2 P.M., we can imagine the plane in our mind, and notice that it has 2 wings. Two wings, 2 P.M. There's an association. We are now ten times more likely to remember the take-off time long after it has faded from our short-term memory.
Sometimes an association comes very easily. For example, suppose you are introduced to a Mr. Hill who lives on a hill at the end of town. Mr. Hill on a hill. Pretty easy, huh? Or what if you're trying to remember the classroom number for a Chemistry class, and it just so turns out that it's the same as your dorm room number. Another natural association! Do you think you'll have a problem remembering it?
When pieces of information are not obviously related in any way, however, we have to be a bit more creative in linking things together. But it isn't as hard as it seems. Most of us learned rhymes and acronyms in school that helped us remember things. Do any of the following look familiar to you?
i before e except after c, or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh (rule for remembering ei or ie)
ROY G. BIV (colors of the rainbow)
All cows eat grass; Every good boy does fine (notes of musical scale)
Never eat sour watermelons (directions on a compass)
Why do they work?
Because they form an easy-to-remember and clever association between themselves and the information that is to be remembered.
The idea is to be creative and clever. You don't have to invent a rhyme or a poem every time you want to remember something, though -- just think of a picture in your mind that links pieces of information together, preferably something unusual or silly so it is more memorable. For example, suppose you want to remember that the football field is on Maple Street. You might imagine in your mind a burly football player eating a football for breakfast... he pours some maple syrup on the football, cuts off a chunk and eats it!
To demonstrate how effectively this works, look at the following list of words, and try to come up with an association between the left word and the right word of each row. Some will be easy; others may be harder. As an example, for the first pair, you might want to imagine a mouse that has a long, wavy tail that is in the shape of the letter S.
mouse S
fur R
train bridge
moat boat
popcorn chair
elephant pancake
toothbrush canal
umbrella triangle
After you have formed the associations (if you had trouble on one or two of them, that's okay; just skip them for now), cover up the right side of the list and then try to name the word associated with each word on the left. If you formed vivid, clear associations, you may be surprised at how quickly and easily you were able to remember everything!
Memory Game in Flash (New)
download Flash player
Short Notes About Improving Memory(pdf)
Understanding Memory Loss(pdf)
How to improve confidence?
Knowing yourself is the foundation of self-esteem, self confidence and personal development.
Man has been seeking himself since the days of the Oracle of Delphi. "Know yourself" said the Oracle, but she spoke in riddles and the men who had come a long way to get a simple answer from her wise lips went away even more confused.
Yes, it isn't easy to really understand a human being. And, to understand others, we need first of all to understand ourselves and to gain self-esteem and confidence.
How can we do this?
There are ways to work on this and we can do it in the comfort of our home if we don't want to attend evening courses in self confidence and self-esteem and meet others in similar situations.
Some tips:
* Write down your positive achievements, all that you can remember; educations, jobs, loves and relationships (even if they ended, you still achieved them), friendships, children, driving licence... Look at what you already have and realize you have done rather well.
* Write down good things that others have said about you. Read through old documents from former employers or teachers that state all your strong sides. Maybe you forgot you had them?
* Make plans. Ask yourself what can be done. What can you change to make things better? Write down precise goals and write a step-by-step plan on how you intend to achieve your goals.
*Decision. Make a decision that tomorrow you will start dealing with the first step of your plan.
When you read what you have written you will realize that you have grown and developed over the years. That also means that you can grow and develop further.
Lifestyle Plans
About The Author
Ingela Berger started her own Internet business Lifestyle Plans in 2003 out of a desire to inspire and encourage others to make reality of their dreams of a personal, healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Ingela has studied theatre directing, acting, history of art, history of ideas, health communication and leadership psychology. After some years working with art exhibitions and the theatre she went back to college and is now a health and lifestyle consultant.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ingela_Berger
Man has been seeking himself since the days of the Oracle of Delphi. "Know yourself" said the Oracle, but she spoke in riddles and the men who had come a long way to get a simple answer from her wise lips went away even more confused.
Yes, it isn't easy to really understand a human being. And, to understand others, we need first of all to understand ourselves and to gain self-esteem and confidence.
How can we do this?
There are ways to work on this and we can do it in the comfort of our home if we don't want to attend evening courses in self confidence and self-esteem and meet others in similar situations.
Some tips:
* Write down your positive achievements, all that you can remember; educations, jobs, loves and relationships (even if they ended, you still achieved them), friendships, children, driving licence... Look at what you already have and realize you have done rather well.
* Write down good things that others have said about you. Read through old documents from former employers or teachers that state all your strong sides. Maybe you forgot you had them?
* Make plans. Ask yourself what can be done. What can you change to make things better? Write down precise goals and write a step-by-step plan on how you intend to achieve your goals.
*Decision. Make a decision that tomorrow you will start dealing with the first step of your plan.
When you read what you have written you will realize that you have grown and developed over the years. That also means that you can grow and develop further.
Lifestyle Plans
About The Author
Ingela Berger started her own Internet business Lifestyle Plans in 2003 out of a desire to inspire and encourage others to make reality of their dreams of a personal, healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Ingela has studied theatre directing, acting, history of art, history of ideas, health communication and leadership psychology. After some years working with art exhibitions and the theatre she went back to college and is now a health and lifestyle consultant.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ingela_Berger
How to improve Concentration ?
Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger said by Arnold Palmer Us golfer (1929 - )
Seven Techniques to improve our concentration are :-
1. Do each and every thing more attentively, for eg when you will
drive a, car just drive a car.
2. Try to do each and every thing perfectly.Yes , try to reduce errors
as much as possible.
3. Decide that you will never use eraser while writing, you will
always write correct words at first chance.
4. Improve your reading skill.Try to read as fast as possible, As much
as you reduce time as much brain concentrates more.
5. Try to analyze things more deeply. Yes we never see things deeply ,
we do not even notice our surroundings , if I ask you that which was
the last time when you saw moon? Don't you remember? It shows your
analyzing power.
6. Try to memorize things which are happening around you. Decide that
you have to remember each and every thing happening with you.
7.Whenever you feel that your concentration is disturbing start
counting in reverse order from 10 to 1.
I bet, if you use these techniques correctly your concentration will
improve in remarkable way. And one good news for you, I am opening my
comments section of this blog for anonymous users too. Now you can
post your comments without having account in google.
Hope you like this article bye and take care.
If you wanna read more on concentration clickhere (Remember to open it in new window)
More to read:-
How to Develop Better Concentration While studying(pdf)
Concentration Test Paper(pdf)
Seven Techniques to improve our concentration are :-
1. Do each and every thing more attentively, for eg when you will
drive a, car just drive a car.
2. Try to do each and every thing perfectly.Yes , try to reduce errors
as much as possible.
3. Decide that you will never use eraser while writing, you will
always write correct words at first chance.
4. Improve your reading skill.Try to read as fast as possible, As much
as you reduce time as much brain concentrates more.
5. Try to analyze things more deeply. Yes we never see things deeply ,
we do not even notice our surroundings , if I ask you that which was
the last time when you saw moon? Don't you remember? It shows your
analyzing power.
6. Try to memorize things which are happening around you. Decide that
you have to remember each and every thing happening with you.
7.Whenever you feel that your concentration is disturbing start
counting in reverse order from 10 to 1.
I bet, if you use these techniques correctly your concentration will
improve in remarkable way. And one good news for you, I am opening my
comments section of this blog for anonymous users too. Now you can
post your comments without having account in google.
Hope you like this article bye and take care.
If you wanna read more on concentration clickhere (Remember to open it in new window)
More to read:-
How to Develop Better Concentration While studying(pdf)
Concentration Test Paper(pdf)
10th and 12th Cbse solved papers
Wish you all the best for your Cbse tenth and twelfth Board exams, May God bless you with good marks. ( right click and save as for download)
Sample Question Papers and Marking Scheme for Board Exam. 2009
Class X
Class XII
Hindi Core |
Hindi Elective |
Sanskrit Elective |
Sanskrit Core - Pages 1-22 - Pages 23-47 |
English Core |
Functional English |
English Elective |
Geography (Theory) |
Creative Writing and Translation Studies (Class XI) |
Mathematics |
Physics |
Biology |
Chemistry |
Creative Writing and Translation Studies - Paper-I Paper-II |
Business Studies - Paper-I Paper-II |
Economics - Paper-I Paper-II |
History |
Political Science |
Accountancy |
Sociology |
Psychology |
Physical Education |
Computer Science - Paper-I Paper-II |
Information Practices - Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III |
Multimedia and Web Technologies - Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III |
Financial Marketing Management
Introduction to Financial Markets - Design, Blue Print & SQP | Marking Scheme |
BPO - Blue Print | SQP | Marking Scheme |
Computer Applications in Financial Market - Design | Blue Print | SQP | Marking Scheme |
Accounting for business - Blue Print & Design | SQP & Marking Scheme |
Answers of High Scoring Students of 2008 Examination
Class X
Subject | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Science | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Social Science | Question Paper | |
Mathematics | Question Paper | |
Hindi Course A | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
English Language & Literature | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
English Communicative | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Class XII
Subject | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Biology | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Chemistry | Question Paper | |
Physics | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Accountancy | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Business Studies | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
Mathematics | Question Paper | Answer Sheet |
2008 Entries
- Answers of Physics paper 2008
- Amity University Solutions of 2008 papers
Class X
Science (Theory)
Social Science
Hindi Course A
Hindi Course B
English Language & Literature
Urdu Course A & B
English Communicative (Paper-I)
Marking Schemes
Class XII
Hindi Elective
Sanskrit Elective
Hindi Core
Sanskrit Core - Pages 1-22 - Pages 23-47
English Core
Functional English
English Elective
Geography (Theory)
Creative Writing and Translation Studies (Class XI)
Mathematics - Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III
Physics - Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III
Biology - Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III
Chemistry - Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III
Business Studies - Paper-I Paper-II
Economics - Paper-I Paper-II
History - Paper-I Paper-II
Political Science
Business Studies
English Core
Functional English
English Core
Functional English
Computer Science
Engineering Drawing
Informatics Practices
Financial Marketing Management
Introduction to Financial Markets - Design Blue Print SQP Marking Scheme
Computer Applications in Financial Market - Design Blue Print SQP Marking Scheme
Accounting for business - Blue Print & Design SQP & Marking Scheme
Solved Papers of 10th and 12th
Previous Year Paper
Class X
Class XII
Related Sites :
education related material---->click here
cbse public portal---->click here
cbse and icse test papers-----> click here
Guess paper of 10th and 12th ----> click here
crack iit jee ----->click here
Toppers answer sheet of different subjects :-
10th(Tenth) class toppers answersheets:-
English Communicative English Communicative Question Paper
Mathematics Mathematics Question Paper
Science and Technology Science and Technology Question Paper
Social Science Social Science Question Paper
12th ( twelfth) class answer sheets :-
Physics Physics Question Paper
Chemistry Chemistry Question Paper
Mathematics Mathematics Question Paper
Science projects
Well, a lot has been written about science projects on internet, but one little detail you guys would love to hear is, The best Science projects websites links are available now on your own web page how-to-answers.blogspot.com.
The Newtons and friends were taking tea
Beneath the boughs of an apple tree,
When a falling fruit landed on theHead of the head of the family.
Mrs. Newton cried, 'Well deary me!That could've caused an injury'.
But clever Isaac alone could see,The situation's true gravity.
1.If you are interested in magnetic trains and wanna understand it more than Click here
2.These are science toys , i dont think these are toys but auther thinks so. Click here( difficult to read but good projects are given)
3. There are lots of project waiting for you. Click here
The Newtons and friends were taking tea
Beneath the boughs of an apple tree,
When a falling fruit landed on theHead of the head of the family.
Mrs. Newton cried, 'Well deary me!That could've caused an injury'.
But clever Isaac alone could see,The situation's true gravity.
1.If you are interested in magnetic trains and wanna understand it more than Click here
2.These are science toys , i dont think these are toys but auther thinks so. Click here( difficult to read but good projects are given)
3. There are lots of project waiting for you. Click here
How to answer interview ?
Interview Questions
Q1. Introduce Yourself
Ans . I am CG , I am pursuing BE( Computer Science) . I am a self motivated person and believe in positive attitude.
I want to contribute towards organization’s objective with my hard work and knowledge. I am confident that I will be an asset for the organization if give an opportunity to work.
Q2. Any Query?
Ans. What will be our job profile if we short listed?
->Can you please brief me about the various projects on which MBT is working?
Q3.Future Qualification?
Ans I will try to get some more qualification on certification. But it will depend on the work profile/domain I get with the organization. I think it will contribute more if qualification/ certification are related to your work field.
Q4. About MBT?
Ans Provides end to end IT service and solution to telecom industry. It is domain expertise in OSS & BSS( business supplement system), ISO 9001-2000, SEl-CMMI level 5 . Founded in 1986 Pune Headquarter. 15000 employee and Anand Mahindra is chairman.
Objective :- Seeking challenging job assignments in the industry and willing to utlize my skills, abilities and education to gain expertise and thus make myself an asset to the company.
è Ability to work in team.
è Readiness to learn and implement new things
è An attitude to take up challenging task with confidence.
è Self motivated/
è Review my own work whenever gets time to find mistakes (if any) and improve them in future.
è Get tensed if work is not completed on the time as expected and try to put more focus on it.
è Quality conscious -> it leads to more time to complete task.
How to achieve success in interviews?
Recently I got a chance to meet thousands of interviewers. And after meeting them I can say that there is very thin line or gap which separates successful candidate from unsuccessful.
In today’s scenario company’s not only want technical and educational skills but they want something more.
There are six very important features:
Team work
Global availability
Communication skill
Linear ability ( their potential of constant learning).
Presence of mind.
To achieve success in HR interview , your answers should be similar to what they want. For example when interviewer ask you what are your strength? Reply him that my strength is team work , innovation etc. etc..
When he ask you what is your weakness, answer him that you can’t work efficiently when you are alone you need a team, and you believe in team work. I think you get the point , answer according to his desire not yours.
Q1. Introduce Yourself
Ans . I am CG , I am pursuing BE( Computer Science) . I am a self motivated person and believe in positive attitude.
I want to contribute towards organization’s objective with my hard work and knowledge. I am confident that I will be an asset for the organization if give an opportunity to work.
Q2. Any Query?
Ans. What will be our job profile if we short listed?
->Can you please brief me about the various projects on which MBT is working?
Q3.Future Qualification?
Ans I will try to get some more qualification on certification. But it will depend on the work profile/domain I get with the organization. I think it will contribute more if qualification/ certification are related to your work field.
Q4. About MBT?
Ans Provides end to end IT service and solution to telecom industry. It is domain expertise in OSS & BSS( business supplement system), ISO 9001-2000, SEl-CMMI level 5 . Founded in 1986 Pune Headquarter. 15000 employee and Anand Mahindra is chairman.
Objective :- Seeking challenging job assignments in the industry and willing to utlize my skills, abilities and education to gain expertise and thus make myself an asset to the company.
è Ability to work in team.
è Readiness to learn and implement new things
è An attitude to take up challenging task with confidence.
è Self motivated/
è Review my own work whenever gets time to find mistakes (if any) and improve them in future.
è Get tensed if work is not completed on the time as expected and try to put more focus on it.
è Quality conscious -> it leads to more time to complete task.
How to achieve success in interviews?
Recently I got a chance to meet thousands of interviewers. And after meeting them I can say that there is very thin line or gap which separates successful candidate from unsuccessful.
In today’s scenario company’s not only want technical and educational skills but they want something more.
There are six very important features:
Team work
Global availability
Communication skill
Linear ability ( their potential of constant learning).
Presence of mind.
To achieve success in HR interview , your answers should be similar to what they want. For example when interviewer ask you what are your strength? Reply him that my strength is team work , innovation etc. etc..
When he ask you what is your weakness, answer him that you can’t work efficiently when you are alone you need a team, and you believe in team work. I think you get the point , answer according to his desire not yours.
Online education for free
Knowledge is power once said by Vivekananda and how nice if we get power for free :
a)Uc Berkeley( recorded mp3 and real media videos)
b) Mit open courseware( Course material of great university like MIT)
c) Dsa Tree notes( Best Data structural Notes I have found on internet)
d)C and C++ languages( Simple but sweet)
e)Free Books ( Wow Experience)
Now, just go online study at MIT
By the end of this year contents of all 1,800 courses taught at Massachusetts Institute of technology will be available online free of cost to any one in the world. Without registering for classes, according to the report in the Christian Science monitor.
What begin as a open courseware movement, in MIT five year back has now got some 120 other universities worldwide. The movement aims to disperse knowledge far beyond the ivy-clad walls of elite campuses to any one who has an internet connection.
The free availability of course material online appears to be only whetting appetites for more students. The MIT site (ocw.mit.edu) now average about 1.4 million visits per month.
a)Uc Berkeley( recorded mp3 and real media videos)
b) Mit open courseware( Course material of great university like MIT)
c) Dsa Tree notes( Best Data structural Notes I have found on internet)
d)C and C++ languages( Simple but sweet)
e)Free Books ( Wow Experience)
Now, just go online study at MIT
By the end of this year contents of all 1,800 courses taught at Massachusetts Institute of technology will be available online free of cost to any one in the world. Without registering for classes, according to the report in the Christian Science monitor.
What begin as a open courseware movement, in MIT five year back has now got some 120 other universities worldwide. The movement aims to disperse knowledge far beyond the ivy-clad walls of elite campuses to any one who has an internet connection.
The free availability of course material online appears to be only whetting appetites for more students. The MIT site (ocw.mit.edu) now average about 1.4 million visits per month.
Video Lectures
The following video lectures were generously provided by Tim Fiegenbaum at North Seattle Community College. They are based on the text, Electronics for Computer Technology by David Terrell. © 2003 Delmar Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission. Text/images may not be modified or reproduced in any way without prior written permission of the publisher (www.cengage.com/permissions).
Electronic Systems
- Representative Systems (10:36)
- System Notations (19:33)
- Physical System Hierarchy (13:34)
- System Connectivity (9:32)
- Elements of System Level Troubleshooting (14:50)
- Circuit Simulation (2:14)
Basic Electronics and Units of Measure
- Electrical Quantities A (25:57)
- Electrical Quantities B (20:05)
- Light and Other Waves (6:53)
- Magnetism and Electromagnetism (14:48)
Basic Components and Technical Notation
- Technical Notation (16:58)
- Wire and Cable (19:31)
- Electronic Components A (7:46)
- Electronic Components Resistors (23:40)
- Electronic Components (14:46)
- Basic Requirements for Current (8:15)
- Series Circuits A (13:21)
- Series Circuits B (9:52)
- Series Circuits C (6:28)
- Parallel Circuits (15:56)
- Series Parallel Circuits (9:10)
- Complex Circuits (5:28)
- Ground and Other Reference Points (5:42)
Circuit Troubleshooting
Alternating Current
- Generation of Alternating Voltage (14:26)
- Sine Wave Characteristics (10:43)
- Sine Wave Characteristics (cont) (16:48)
- Working with Phase Angles (11:53)
- Working with Phase Angles (cont) (19:47)
- Circuit Analysis of AC Resistive Circuits (15:37)
- Alternating Voltage Applications (9:11)
- Inductors (Part 1) (25:28)
- Inductors (Part 2) (16:27)
- Inductors (Part 3) (4:00)
- Transformers (Part 1) (20:28)
- Transformers (Part 2) (15:03)
- Capacitors (Part 1) (14:22)
- Capacitors (Part 2) (10:18)
- Capacitors (Part 3) (10:12)
- RC and RL Circuits (4:40)
- Parallel RC Circuits (4:55)
- RC Time Constants (Part 1) (13:56)
- RC Time Constants (Part 2) (7:25)
Semiconductor Technology
- Basic Atomic Theory (3:36)
- Semiconductor Theory (Part 1) (8:57)
- Semiconductor Theory (Part 2) (12:31)
- Semiconductor Theory (Part 3) (7:16)
- Semiconductor Junctions (11:30)
- Troubleshooting Semiconductors (3:13)
Diodes and Diode Circuits
- Diode Characteristics (10:03)
- Power supplies (24:39)
- Miscellaneous Diode Applications (17:55)
- AM Circuit Detector (3:43)
- Special Diodes (zener) (7:38)
- Special Diodes (10:57)
Transistors and Transistor Circuits
- Bipolar Transistors (intro) (6:35)
- Transistor Biasing (14:13)
- Transistor Biasing (cont) (5:55)
- Decibels (8:37)
- Amplifier Basics (7:59)
- Amplifier Configurations (11:01)
- Junction Field Effect Trans (8:10)
- JFET Amplifiers (8:42)
- MOSFETS (11:21)
- MOSFET Amplifiers (11:10)
- Digital Applications (14:46)
- Linear Transistor Applications (19:32)
- Troubleshooting Transistor Circuits (17:02)
Op Amps and Op Amp Circuits
- Op Amps Characteristics (part 1) (5:40)
- Op Amps Characteristics (Part 2) (10:25)
- Op Amps Characteristics (Part 3) (10:37)
- Op Amps Characteristics (Part 4) (12:57)
- Basic Amplifier Configuration (Part 1) (11:16)
- Basic Amplifier Configuration (Part 2) (8:07)
- Op Amp Applications (6:47)
- Op Amp Applications (Integrator) (6:47)
- Op Amp Applications (filters) (12:21)
- Op Amp Applications (filters cont.) (8:56)
- Op Amp Applications (comparator) (10:53)
- Digital Concepts & Terms (15:48)
- Binary Conversion (11:53)
- Logic Gates (12:58)
- Boolean Algebra (15:59)
- Combinational Logic (7:33)
- Gate Array Logic (5:12)
- Boolean expressions (11:32)
- Truth Tables (5:52)
- Sequential Logic (12:46)
- Flip Flops (6:51)
- Counters (20:45)
- Counters, Asynchronous (10:25)
- Digital to Analog Conversion (8:27)
- Analog to Digital Conversion (12:17)
- Microprocessors and Computers (7:39)
- Microprocessor bus Networks (8:12)
- Microprocessor Internal Structure (8:14)
- Internal Registers and ALU (4:57)
- Representative System (Part 1) (5:12)
- Representative System (Part 2) (5:40)
- Representative System (Part 3) (8:57)
- Representative System (Part 4) (6:59)
- Hardware: (Computer) (10:23)
- Hardware: clock, µP, chipset (7:30)
- Hardware: Memory (9:59)
- Hardware: IO, RTC, PS (10:20)
These worksheets were created by Tony R. Kuphaldt and released under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
Basic electricity:
- Atomic structure
- Static electricity
- Voltage, Current, and Resistance
- Conductors and insulators
- Elementary circuits
- Electrical connections
- Soldering
- Sources of electricity
- Physical effects of electricity
- Resistors
- Switches
- Basic voltmeter use
- Basic ammeter use
- Basic circuit troubleshooting
- Ohm's Law
- Energy, work, and power
- Electric shock
- Arc flash and arc blast
- Safety grounding
- Lock-out / Tag-out
- Wire types and sizes
- Design Project: Telegraph system
- Magnetism
- Basic electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
- Basic relays
- Series DC circuits
- Parallel DC circuits
- Basic ohmmeter use
- Specific resistance
- Temperature coefficient of resistance
- Batteries
- Overcurrent protection
- Basic troubleshooting strategies
- Performance assessments for basic electricity:
DC electric circuits:
- Voltage divider circuits
- Current divider circuits
- Kirchhoff's Laws
- Potentiometers
- Series-parallel DC circuits
- Voltmeter design
- Ammeter design
- Design Project: Voltmeter
- DC bridge circuits
- DC metrology
- Magnetic units of measurement
- Intermediate electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
- Capacitance
- Capacitors
- Inductance
- Inductors
- Time constant circuits
- Time constant calculations
- DC transducers (INCOMPLETE)
- DC generator theory
- DC motor theory
- Design Project: DC motor
- DC motor control circuits
- Performance assessments for DC:
AC electric circuits:
- AC waveforms
- Basic oscilloscope operation
- Peak, average, and RMS measurements
- Design Project: Four-channel audio mixer
- AC phase
- Inductive reactance
- Capacitive reactance
- Impedance
- Trigonometry for AC circuits
- Phasor mathematics (INCOMPLETE)
- Series and parallel AC circuits
- Resonance
- Series-parallel combination AC circuits
- Mixed-frequency signals
- Decibel measurements
- Passive filter circuits
- Design Project: Audio tone control
- Passive integrator and differentiator circuits
- Oscilloscope trigger controls
- Mutual inductance
- Step-up, step-down, and isolation transformers
- Autotransformers
- Impedance matching with transformers
- Advanced electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
- Electrical noise and interference (INCOMPLETE)
- Design Project: Sensitive audio detector
- AC power
- Characteristic impedance
- AC transducers (PENDING)
- AC metrology
- Polyphase power systems
- Delta and Wye 3-phase circuits
- AC generator theory
- AC motor theory
- AC motor control circuits
- Microphones (INCOMPLETE)
- Fundamentals of radio communication (INCOMPLETE)
- Performance assessments for AC:
Network analysis techniques:
- Component modeling
- Superposition theorem
- Thevenin's, Norton's, and Maximum Power Transfer theorems
- Millman's theorem
- Simultaneous equations for circuit analysis
- DC branch current analysis (INCOMPLETE)
- DC mesh current analysis (INCOMPLETE)
- AC network analysis
- Performance assessments for network analysis (INCOMPLETE
Discrete semiconductor devices and circuits:
- Electrical conduction in semiconductors
- PN junctions
- Electron versus Conventional flow
- Rectifying diodes
- Rectifier circuits
- Basic AC-DC power supplies
- Design Project: AC-DC power supply
- Design Project: Dual-output AC-DC power supply
- Design Project: Simple component curve-tracer circuit
- Clipper and clamper circuits
- Miscellaneous diode applications
- Zener diodes
- Special diodes (INCOMPLETE)
- Elementary amplifier theory
- Bipolar junction transistor theory
- Bipolar junction transistors as switches
- Bipolar junction transistors in active mode
- Bipolar transistor biasing circuits
- Regulated power sources
- Design Project: DC voltage regulator
- Class A BJT amplifiers
- Class B BJT amplifiers
- Class C BJT amplifiers (INCOMPLETE)
- Design Project: Audio power amplifier
- BJT amplifier troubleshooting
- Junction field effect transistors
- JFET amplifiers
- Insulated gate field effect transistors
- Insulated gate bipolar transistors (INCOMPLETE)
- IGFET amplifiers (INCOMPLETE)
- Conventional transistor overview and special transistors (INCOMPLETE)
- Active loads in amplifier circuits (INCOMPLETE)
- Optoelectronic devices
- Differential transistor amplifiers
- Multi-stage transistor amplifiers
- Oscillator circuits
- Design Project: Radio transmitter
- Thyristors
- Thyristor application circuits
- Signal modulation (INCOMPLETE)
- Power conversion circuits
- Fiber optics (PENDING)
- Performance assessments for semiconductors
Analog integrated circuits:
- IC fabrication and packaging (INCOMPLETE)
- Printed circuit board layout and manufacture (INCOMPLETE)
- Design Project: LED stroboscope
- Design Project: Signal generator
- Basic operational amplifiers
- Open-loop opamp circuits
- Design Project: Pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal generator
- Negative feedback opamp circuits
- Positive feedback opamp circuits
- Inverting and noninverting opamp voltage amplifier circuits
- Design Project: Intercom system
- Design Project: Audio media-based signal generator
- Design Project: Sensitive microphone amplifier
- Summer and subtractor opamp circuits
- Voltage/current converter opamp circuits (INCOMPLETE)
- Linear computational circuitry
- Servo motor systems (PENDING)
- Precise diode circuits
- AC negative feedback opamp circuits
- Opamp oscillator circuits
- Active filters
- Logarithms for analog circuits
- Nonlinear opamp circuits
- Phase-locked loops (INCOMPLETE)
- Performance assessments for analog integrated circuits
Digital circuits:
- Design Project: Logic probe
- Digital logic signals
- Basic logic gates
- Numeration systems
- Binary arithmetic
- Digital codes
- TTL logic gates
- CMOS logic gates
- Basic logic gate troubleshooting
- Electromechanical relay logic
- Time-delay electromechanical relays
- Protective relay circuits (INCOMPLETE)
- Boolean algebra
- Sum-of-Products and Product-of-sums expressions
- Karnaugh mapping
- Binary math circuits
- Encoders and decoders
- Multiplexers and demultiplexers
- Digital display circuits
- Programmable logic technology
- Latch circuits
- Timer circuits
- Flip-flop circuits
- Design Project: Light-pulse switch
- Design Project: Power inverter
- Counters
- Design Project: Event counter
- Shift registers
- Design Project: Arbitrary waveform generator
- Digital-to-Analog conversion
- Analog-to-Digital conversion
- Switched capacitor circuitry
- Digital communication (INCOMPLETE)
- Memory devices
- Finite state machines (PENDING)
- Microprocessor function (PENDING)
- Microprocessor programming (INCOMPLETE)
- Microcontroller principles (INCOMPLETE)
- Programmable logic controllers (INCOMPLETE)
- High-reliability circuits (INCOMPLETE)
- Stepper motors (INCOMPLETE)
- Design Project: Stepper motor driver
- Performance assessments for digital
Mathematics for electronics:
- Scientific notation and metric prefixes
- Basic algebra and graphing for electric circuits
- Algebraic equation manipulation for electric circuits
- Algebraic substitution for electric circuits
- Logarithms for analog circuits
- Simultaneous equations for circuit analysis
- Trigonometry for AC circuits
- Phasor mathematics (INCOMPLETE)
- Calculus for electric circuits
Volume VI - Experiments
Chapter 3: DC CIRCUITS
- Introduction
- Series batteries
- Parallel batteries
- Voltage divider
- Current divider
- Potentiometer as a voltage divider
- Potentiometer as a rheostat
- Precision potentiometer
- Rheostat range limiting
- Thermoelectricity
- Make your own multimeter
- Sensitive voltage detector
- Potentiometric voltmeter
- 4-wire resistance measurement
- A very simple computer
- Potato battery
- Capacitor charging and discharging
- Rate-of-change indicator
Chapter 4: AC CIRCUITS
- Introduction
- Transformer -- power supply
- Build a transformer
- Variable inductor
- Sensitive audio detector
- Sensing AC magnetic fields
- Sensing AC electric fields
- Automotive alternator
- Induction motor
- Phase shift
- Sound cancellation
- Musical keyboard as a signal generator
- PC Oscilloscope
- Waveform analysis
- Inductor-capacitor "tank" circuit
- Signal coupling
- Introduction
- Commutating diode
- Half-wave rectifier
- Full-wave center-tap rectifier
- Full-wave bridge rectifier
- Rectifier/filter circuit
- Voltage regulator
- Transistor as a switch
- Static electricity sensor
- Pulsed-light sensor
- Voltage follower
- Common-emitter amplifier
- Multi-stage amplifier
- Current mirror
- JFET current regulator
- Differential amplifier
- Simple op-amp
- Audio oscillator
- Vacuum tube audio amplifier
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