Freshman Organic Chemistry
Yale University | Added on December 10th, 2009
This is the first semester in a two-semester introductory course focused on current theories of structure and mechanism in organic chemistry, their historical development, and their basis in experimental observation. The course is open to freshmen with excellent preparation in chemistry and physics, and it aims to develop both taste for original science and intellectual skills necessary for creative research.
Chemistry Laboratory Techniques
MIT OCW | Added on December 7th, 2009
This course is an intensive introduction to the techniques of experimental chemistry and gives first year students an opportunity to learn and master the basic chemistry lab techniques for carrying out experiments.
Introductory Quantum Mechanics
MIT OCW | Added on November 15th, 2009
This course covers time-dependent quantum mechanics and spectroscopy. Topics include perturbation theory, two-level systems, light-matter interactions, relaxation in quantum systems, correlation functions and linear response theory, and nonlinear spectroscopy.
Principles of Chemical Science II
MIT OCW | Added on November 15th, 2009
This is an introductory chemistry course for students with an unusually strong background in chemistry. Emphasis is on basic principles of atomic and molecular electronic structure, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis. The course also covers applications of basic principles to problems in metal coordination chemistry, organic chemistry, and biological chemistry.
Small Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics
MIT OCW | Added on October 12th, 2009
The goal of this course is to illustrate the spectroscopy of small molecules in the gas phase: quantum mechanical effective Hamiltonian models for rotational, vibrational, and electronic structure; transition selection rules and relative intensities; diagnostic patterns and experimental methods for the assignment of non-textbook spectra; breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (spectroscopic perturbations); the stationary phase approximation; nondegenerate and quasidegenerate perturbation theory (van Vleck transformation); qualitative molecular orbital theory (Walsh diagrams); the notation of atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Stanford University | Added on October 10th, 2009
Introduction to Chemical Engineering
General Chemistry
Berkeley University | Added on October 8th, 2009
Stoichiometry of chemical reactions, quantum mechanical description of atoms, the elements and periodic table, chemical bonding, real and ideal gases, thermochemistry, introduction to thermodynamics and equilibrium, acid-base and solubility equilibria, introduction to oxidation-reduction reactions.
Engineering Chemistry I
IIT Madras | Added on October 7th, 2009
Introduction to Chemistry, Quantum Chemical Methods, Particle in a box (one and two dimensions),Harmonic Oscillator and Molecular Vibration, Hydrogen Atom - Radial Solution, Angular Solutions, Born - Oppenheimer Approximation.
Advanced Chemistry Video Lessons
Rob Lederer | Added on April 18th, 2009
Introduction to Organic Chemistry - II
McGill University | Added on November 24th, 2008
Modern spectroscopic techniques for structure determination. The chemistry of alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds and amines whith special attention to mechanistic aspects. Special topics.
World of Chemistry
McGill University | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Water, air pollution, sick-building syndrome, the chemistry of the car, energy (fossil fuel, nuclear), environmental accidents, household products, computers and cosmetics including skin, teeth, hair, and smells. Extensive use of visual materials etc...
General Chemistry 2 - Part I
McGill University | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
General Chemistry 2 - Part II
McGill University | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Acids, bases, liquids, solutions etc...
Oxford Webcast Lecture Series
University of Oxford | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
The lectures cover a wide range of topics from Organic, Physical and Inorganic chemistries.
Contemporary Chemistry
College of DuPage | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Introduction to chemistry, Measurements, Atoms, Electronic structures, Nuclear forces and Radio activity, Applications of radiation, Equations, Matter and Gas, Balls, sticks, acids, bases, oxidation reduction, organic chemistry, fossil fuels, polymers etc...
Introduction to Solid State Chemistry
MIT OCW | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Origin; Periodic Table; Atomic Structure; Rutherford and Bohr Model; The Shell Model; Quantum Numbers; Orbital; Octet; Ionic Compounds; Bonds; Molecules; Metallic Bonding; Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semicond- uctors; Crystals; X-ray Spectra; Silicates; Chemical Kinematics; Acids and Bases; Organic Chemistry; Biochemistry; Ipids; Nucleic Acids; Phase Diagrams etc....
Principles of Chemical Science I
MIT OCW | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Atomic Theory; Nucleus; Radiation; Wave; Hydrogen Atom; Orbitals; Bonds; Lewis Diagrams; Octet Rule; Hybridization and Chemical bonding; Chemical and Acid-Base Equilibrium ; Oxidation; Transition Metals and Kinetics etc....
Principles of Chemical Science - II
MIT OCW | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Atomic Theory; Nucleus; Radiation; Wave; Hydrogen Atom; Orbitals; Bonds; Lewis Diagrams; Octet Rule; Hybridization and Chemical bonding; Chemical and Acid-Base Equilibrium ; Oxidation; Transition Metals and Kinetics etc....
Chemical Structure and Reactivity
UC Berkeley | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Delocalized Pi Systems: Propenyl, Butadiene; Benzene; Aromaticity; Annulenes and Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution; Aldehydes; Keytones; Enols; Enolates; Enals; Enones; etc....
Organic Chemistry
Prof. Claude E. Wintner | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Introduction, Conformation, constitution, Configuration, Hydrocarbon rings, Stereotropism, Carbon bonding, Bonding in Carbon Polyene Systems, Thermodynamics & Kinematics, Acidity, Basicity, Oxidation, Bimolecular and Unimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution, Alkanes, Carbonyl, Carbohydrates etc....
Organic Chemistry II
University of Regensburg | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Addition, Elimination, Substitution, Redox and Test Reactions. Keto-Enol-Tautomerism. Carboxylic Acids and Derivates, Radicals and Radical Ions, Kinetics, Dyes, Chromatographically Separation Methods, Synthetics, Chemical Technology etc...
Imperial college chemistry
Imperial college | Chemistry | Added on November 24th, 2008
Lectures by Noble Laureates: Organometallic chemistry, Conformational Analysis, Photochemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Phthalocyanines, Stereo control in organic synthesis using silicon compounds etc....