Knowledge is power once said by Vivekananda and how nice if we get power for free :
a)Uc Berkeley( recorded mp3 and real media videos)
b) Mit open courseware( Course material of great university like MIT)
c) Dsa Tree notes( Best Data structural Notes I have found on internet)
d)C and C++ languages( Simple but sweet)
e)Free Books ( Wow Experience)
Now, just go online study at MIT
By the end of this year contents of all 1,800 courses taught at Massachusetts Institute of technology will be available online free of cost to any one in the world. Without registering for classes, according to the report in the Christian Science monitor.
What begin as a open courseware movement, in MIT five year back has now got some 120 other universities worldwide. The movement aims to disperse knowledge far beyond the ivy-clad walls of elite campuses to any one who has an internet connection.
The free availability of course material online appears to be only whetting appetites for more students. The MIT site ( now average about 1.4 million visits per month.