Aircraft Systems Engineering
Basic systems engineering; cost and weight estimation; basic aircraft performance; safety and reliability; lifecycle topics; aircraft subsystems; risk analysis and management; and system realization. Small student teams retrospectively analyze an existing aircraft covering: key design drivers and decisions; aircraft attributes and subsystems; and operational experience.
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods
This course introduces the fundamental Lean Six Sigma principles that underlay modern continuous improvement approaches for industry, government and other organizations. Lean emerged from the Japanese automotive industry, particularly Toyota, and is focused on the creation of value through the relentless elimination of waste. Six Sigma is a quality system developed at Motorola which focuses on elimination of variation from all processes. The basic principles have been applied to a wide range of organizations and sectors to improve quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, time-to-market and financial performance
Modern Physics: Cosmology
The topics covered in this course focus on cosmology. The course is taught by Leonard Susskind, the Felix Bloch Professor of Physics at Stanford University.
Astrobiology and Space Exploration
Introduction,From Interstellar Molecules to Astrobiology, Suborbital Flight and Small Satellites, Life Beyond Its Planet of Origin, ALH 84001 and Other Martian Meteorites, Controlled Environmental Life Support, Genomic Dark Matter: The Emergence of Small RNAs, Life in Space, Life on Earth, Planetary Systems Around Other Stars.
Introduction to Astrophysics
This course focuses on three particularly interesting areas of astronomy that are advancing very rapidly: Extra-Solar Planets, Black Holes, and Dark Energy. Particular attention is paid to current projects that promise to improve our understanding significantly over the next few years. The course explores not just what is known, but what is currently not known, and how astronomers are going about trying to find out.
African Summer Theory Institute Physics video lectures
Quantum Mechanics, Cosmology, Astronomy, Quantum Field Theory, Black Holes, Particle Physics, Inflation, Neutrinos, Strings, Astrophysics, The Holographic Principle, Dark Energy etc...
Exploring Black Holes: General Relativity and Astrophysics
Introduction, The Universe, Global Positioning System (GPS), Einstein�s Field Equations and Special Relative Theory, Supermassive Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy, X-ray Binaries, LGIO: Detecting Gravitational Waves, Cosmic Structure Formation etc....
Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics
Introduction, Planetary Orbits, Our Solar System and the Pluto Problem, Discovering Exoplanets: Hot Jupiters, Planetary Transits, Microlensing, Astrometry and Other Methods, Direct Imaging of Exoplanets, Black Holes, Relativity, Stellar Mass Black Holes, Hubble's Law and the Big Bang etc...
NHETC Seminars
A Third Order Phase Transition for a Large N Gauge Theory with Flavors; Exploring General Gauge Mediation; Black Holes as Mirrors Summing the Instantons in the Heterotic String; Towards a complete theory of gauge mediation;Non-Relativistic AdS/CFT Gravity Duals of Lifshitz-like Fixed Points; Generating tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM and N=8 SG; gauge Mediation in F-theory GUT Models etc...
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
New Horizons: Exploring the Solar System's Frontier; Expedition to the Ringed Planet: Cassini Explores Saturn, Its Rings, and the Fountains of Enceladus; Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huygens; Pluto, Eris, and the Dwarf Planets of the Outer Solar Systemv etc...
An Introduction to Solar System Astronomy
Introduction to Astronomy. Discovering Earth & Sky. Revolutions of the Heavenly Orbs. The Law of Nature: Gravitation, Light, & Matter. The Earth & The Moon. The family of the Sun.
String Theory, Block Holes and the Fundamentals Laws of Nature
Introduction, The Scientific Quest: Understanding the Basic Laws of Nature, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity,The Problems of Quantum Mechanics and Unification Understanding String Theory,Black Holes and String Theory.
THE COSMOS: Astronomy in the new millenium
Tour of Heavens, Light, Matter, and Energy: Powering the Universe; Light and Telescopes; Stars and planets; Gravity and motion: The early history of Astronomy; The terrestrial and Jovian planets; Pluto, Comets and Space Debris; The Sun, Stars: distance suns etc....
Introduction to General Astronomy
Cosmic Orientation; Waves and Radiation in Space; Universe; Earth-sun-moon Systems; The Solar System; Stars Formation and their Fate; Brown Dwarf and Stellar Explosions; Neutron stars and Black Holes; Galaxies, Big Bang etc....
Introduction to General Astronomy
Cosmic Orientation; Waves and Radiation in Space; Universe; Earth-sun-moon Systems; The Solar System; Stars Formation and their Fate; Brown Dwarf and Stellar Explosions; Neutron stars and Black Holes; Galaxies, Big Bang etc....
Astrophysical Chemistry
Overview of Universe, Atomic and molecular spectroscopy, origin of elements, Molecular radio Astronomy and IR techniques, Optical Spectra from space, Electronic Spectroscopy and Franck Condon factors and Radio Astronomy.
NASA - JET Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology | Astronomy Aerospace | Added on November 21st, 2008