1 - Overview of the course [51:51]
2 - Framework for Algorithms Analysis [56:21]
3 - Algorithms Analysis Framework - II [53:11]
4 - Asymptotic Notations [53:25]
5 - Algorithm Design Techniques : Basics [46:23]
6 - Divide And Conquer-I [52:09]
7 - Divide And Conquer -II Median Finding [52:55]
8 - Divide And Conquer -III Surfing Lower Bounds [56:48]
9 - Divide And Conquer -IV Closest Pair [1:03:38]
10 - Greedy Algorithms -I [51:18]
11 - Greedy Algorithms - II [53:58]
12 - Greedy Algorithms - III [50:43]
13 - Greedy Algorithms - IV [36:44]
14 - Pattern Matching - I [54:08]
15 - Pattern Matching - II [45:02]
16 - Combinational Search and Optimization I [54:40]
17 - Combinational Search and Optimization II [54:08]
18 - Dynamic Programming [52:18]
19 - Longest Common Subsequences [58:58]
20 - Matric Chain Multiplication [51:25]
21 - Scheduling with Startup and Holding Costs [54:01]
22 - Average case Analysis of Quicksort [48:16]
23 - Bipartite Maximum Matching [51:29]
24 - Lower Bounds for Sorting [48:39]
25 - Element Distinctness Lower Bounds [54:26]
26 - NP-Completeness-I -Motivation [58:15]
27 - NP - Compliteness - II [1:16:38]
28 - NP-Completeness - III [57:23]
29 - NP-Completeness - IV [1:10:10]
30 - NP-Completeness - V [41:18]
31 - NP-Completeness - VI [40:57]
32 - Approximation Algorithms [55:02]
33 - Approximation Algorithms [58:12]
34 - Approximation Algorithms for NP [53:38]
thanks for sharing the gate video lectures these are very useful.