Computer Musings Lecture Series

Computer Musings Lecture Series (by Donald E. Knuth)

“These lectures I'’ve given have been inspired and shaped by the questions and responses of the audiences to whom I spoke, and I want to keep them alive,prof. D.E.Knuth explains. We'’ve got these tapes and the world is going digital; Stanford Centre for Professional Development has the talent and expertise to convert them. I feel that archiving is important. I'’ve learned from archived lectures and classes myself, so I think others can learn from these.

A sampling of musings includes:
  • Dancing Links
  • Fast Input/Output with Many Disks, Using a Magic Trick
  • MMIX: A RISC Computer for the New Millennium
  • The Joy of Asymptotics
  • Bubblesort at random (one-dimensional particle physics)
  • Trees, Forests, and Polyominoes
  • Finding all spanning trees