GATE Exam Syllabus

GATE exam is conducted for admitting students to the post graduation engineering programs like M. Tech, M. E. and M. Pharm and the exam is conducted in 21 different streams. The syllabus for each stream differs from the other and the syllabus for some of the courses are given below:

Computer Science Engineering:

The syllabus for the computer science engineering stream is classified into four categories like Basic mathematics, theory of computation, computer hardware and software systems.

Mechanical Engineering:

The syllabus for the mechanical engineering stream is classified into four categories and they are engineering mathematics, applied mechanics and design, fluid mechanics and thermal sciences and manufacturing and industrial engineering.

Civil Engineering:

Under Civil engineering the GATE exam syllabus includes engineering mathematics, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, water resource engineering, environmental engineering and transportation engineering.

Agricultural Engineering:

Under Agricultural engineering stream the GATE exam syllabus includes farm machinery and power, soil and water conservation engineering and agricultural processing and food engineering.

Chemical Engineering:

The GATE exam syllabus for chemical engineering include engineering mathematics, fluid mechanics and mechanical operations, heat transfer, mass transfer, chemical reaction engineering, instrumentation and process control, plant design and economics and chemical technology.

Architecture and Planning:

Architecture and Planning is one of the 21 streams in the GATE examination and the syllabus under this stream include city planning, housing, landscape design, computer aided design, environmental and building science, visual and urban design, history of architecture, development of contemporary architecture, building services, building construction and management, material and structural systems, planning theory, techniques of planning, traffic and transportation planning, services and amenities and development administration and management.

Production and Industrial Engineering:

The syllabus under this stream of engineering for the GATE exam is mathematics, general engineering, production engineering and industrial engineering.

Instrumentation Engineering:

The GATE syllabus for this category of engineering is measurement basics and metrology, transducers, mechanical measurements and industrial instrumentation, analog electronics, digital electronics, signals and systems, electrical and electronic measurements and control systems and process control.
For a detailed syllabus under each category of engineering the candidates can visit –