- Video Lectures: EE225B (Berkeley, Spring 2006)
- Course website
1. Image reconstruction from partial information
2. Two-dimensional (2-D) Fourier transform and z-transform;
3. 2-D DFT and FFT, FIR and IIR filter design and implementation.
4. Basics of Image Processing techniques and perception;
5. Image and video enhancement
6. Image and video restoration
7. Reconstruction from multiple images
8. Image and video analysis: Image Representation and models; image and video classfication and segmentation; edge and boundary detection in images
9. Image compression and coding
10. Video compression
11. Image and Video Communication, storage and retreival
12. Image and video rendering and assessment
13. Image and video Acquisition
14. Applications of image processing: Synthetic Aperture Radar, computed tomography, cardiac image processing, finger print classfication, human face recognition.