"Other" Donald E. Knuth Lectures
Also available are two five-session short courses about TeX (1981); twelve lectures about the implementation of TeX (1982); video recordings of eight history sessions about Computer Science at Stanford, taped in 1987 and featuring many alumni of our department; and some reminiscences by Professors Feigenbaum, Floyd, Golub, Herriot, Knuth, McCarthy, Miller, and Wiederhold about the founding of Stanford's Computer Science Department, The Living Legends (1997).
Questions from audience and students are important to the learning process, according to Knuth. Sometimes the expression of a more mature idea isn't the most interesting or effective way to learn you may learn more from how a professor reacts to an idea or a question. He pauses, and then adds, People might learn a lot from watching me fumble around to answer a question.