Seminars Website
Topology seminars cover moduli spaces of algebraic curves, 3-manifolds, stratified spaces, real and complex algebraic varieties. Geometry seminars cover the geometry and arithmetic of algebraic varieties, the geometry of singularities, general relativity and gravitational lensing exterior differential systems, the geometry of PDE and conservation laws, geometric analysis and Lie groups, modular forms, control theory and Finsler geometry, and index theory.
Fall 2001:
- Yang-Mills theories and D-Branes on very small spaces (Paul Aspinwall)
- Arrangements and moduli spaces (Eduard Looijenga)
- Derived category automorphims from mirrorsymmetry (Paul Horja)
- Hodge structures on the cohomology of locally symmetric varieties (Arvind Nair)
- Einstein Metrics, Variational Problems, and Seiberg-Witten Theory (Claude LeBrun)
- On the converse theorem in the theory of Borcherds products (Jan Brunier)
- Perles at Bing's House -- Facet Subgraphs of Simple Polytopes (Christian Hasse)
- Beyond the Alexander polynomial (Lev Rozansky)
- Arithmetic and Geometry of Multiple Polylogarithms (Jianqiang Zhao)
- Lefschetz-type theorems for Chow Groups (Evangelos Mouroukos)
- The Motivic Fundamental Group (Matthew Cushman)
- Finiteness Conjectures for Unramified Extensions of Global Fields (Joshua Holden)
- Elliptic Units in K_2 groups (Ken-ichiro Kimura)
- Towards a category of Mixed Elliptic Motives (Owen Patashnick)
- Derived Categories of Twisted Sheaves (Andrei Caldararu)
- Computing Differential Galois Groups (Peter Berman)
- On Characteristic Numbers and Galois Cohomology (Markus Rost)
- Monodromy in Families of Abelian Varieties (Jeff Achter)
- On Topological Equivalence and the "Hartman-Grobman" Theorem for Control Systems (Jean-Baptiste Pomet)
- Small N 2D Gauge Theory and Small N Supersymmetry (Eva Silverstein)
- Gopakumar-Vafa Invariants of Moduli Spaces of Holomorphic Curves and Integrality (Sheldon Katz)
- The combinatorial Laplacian (Phil Hanlon)
- Holomorphic gerbes and field theory (Jean-Luc Brylinski)
- Integers in the Gromov-Witten theory of 3-folds (Pandharipande)
- Lefschetz Theorems for Degeneracy Loci (Olivier Debarre)