Pricenton University has a huge collection of video lectures in physics, maths, economics, politics. Lectures from Pricenton University.
- Matchsticks, Scramjets, and Black Holes: Numerical Simulation Faces Reality
(Elaine Oran, Senior Scientist for Reactive Flow Physics, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
- The Search for a Theory of Fundamental Reality: I. The Theory of Elementary Particles
- The Search for a Theory of Fundamental Reality: II. Questions and Speculation
- The Search for a Theory of Fundamental Reality: III. The Coming Revolutions
(David Gross, Professor, UC Santa Barbara)
- 30th Hamilton Lecture: The Future of Physics
(David J. Gross, Kavli Institute For Theoretical Physics, UCSB)
- Einstein's Biggest Blunder? The Case for Cosmic 'Antigravity'
(Alex Filippenko, University of California, Berkeley)
- Enigmatic Gamma-Ray Bursts: Birth Cries of Black Holes
(Alex Filippenko, University of California, Berkeley)
- Catastrophic Stellar Explosions: Celestial Fireworks
(Alex Filippenko, University of California, Berkeley)
- Fashion, Faith and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe, Lecture 1: FASHION
- Fashion, Faith and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe, Lecture 2: FAITH
- Fashion, Faith and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe, Lecture 3: FANTASY
(Roger Penrose, Oxford University)
- The energy problem: our current choices and future hopes
(Steven Chu, Director of Lawrence Berkeley Labs)
- Gravity, Black Holes, and Strings
(Juan M. Maldacena)
- Quest For Unification
(Edward Witten)
- The Disappearance of Anti-matter Following the Big Bang
(Stewart Smith, Princeton University)
- Einstein's Biggest Blunder: A Cosmic Mystery Story
(Lawrence M. Krauss)
- Telling Stories about the Universe
(Vera Rubin, Carnegie Institution of Washington)