Lectures contain:
Introductory Lecture; s Lecture 1: Light Interaction with Matter-Review of Maxwell's Equations; s Lecture 2: Dispersion in Materials; s Lecture 3: Optical Properties of Insulators, Semiconductors and Metals; s Lecture 4: Electromagnetic Properties of Molecules, Nano- and Microscopic Particles; s Lecture 5: Photonic Crystals - Introduction; s Lecture 6: Basic Properties of Electromagnetic Effects in Periodic Media; s Lecture 7: Photonic Crystal Waveguides; s Lecture 8: Photonic Crystals Fibers; s Lecture 9: Introduction to Metal Optics; s Lecture 10: Surface Plasmon Excitation; s Lecture 11: Guiding Light Along Nanoparticle Arrays; Nano Scale Optics with Nearfield Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM); s Lecture 14: Metamaterials: Giving Light the Second Hand, Part 1; s Lecture 15: Metamaterials: Giving Light the Second Hand, Part 2.
The course covers nanoscale processes and devices and their applications for manipulating light on the nanoscale. The following topics will be covered: Fundamentals, Maxwell’s equations, light-matter interaction, dispersion, EM properties of nanostructures, etc. Photonic crystals, Photonic crystal fibers, Photonic nanocircuits, Metal optics, Manipulating light with plasmonic nanostructures, Plasmonic nano-sensors, Near-field optics, Metamaterials, negative refractive index and super-resolution.