Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor

Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor

Lectures contain:
Lecture 1: Energy Level Diagram; Lecture 2: What Makes Electrons Flow?; Lecture 3: The Quantum of Conductance; Lecture 4: Charging/Coulomb Blockade; Lecture 5: Summary/Towards Ohm's Law; Lecture 6: Schrodinger Equation: Basic Concepts; Lecture 7: Schrodinger Equation: Method of Finite Differences; Lecture 8: Schrodinger Equation: Examples; Lecture 9: Self Consistent Field: Basic Concept; Lecture 10: Self Consistent Field: Relation to the Multi-Electron Picture; Lecture 11: Self Consistent Field: Bonding; Lecture 12: Basis Functions: As a Computatinal Tool; Lecture 13: Basis Functions: As a Conceptual Tool; Lecture 14: Basis Functions: Density Matrix I; Lecture 15: Basis Functions: Density Matrix II; Lecture 16: Band Structure: Toy Examples; Lecture 17: Band Structure: Beyond 1-D; Lecture 18: Band Structure: 3-D Solids; Lecture 19: Band Structure: Prelude to Sub-Bands; Lecture 20: Subbands: Quantum Wells, Wires, Dots and Nano-Tubes; Lecture 21: Subbands: Density of States; Lecture 22: Subbands: Minimum Resistance of a Wire; Lecture 23: Capacitance: Model Hamiltonian; Lecture 24: Capacitance: Electron Density; Lecture 25: Capacitance: Quantum vs. Electrostatic Capacitance; Lecture 26: Level Broadening: Open Systems and Local Density of States; Lecture 27: Level Broadening: Self Energy; Lecture 28: Level Broadening: Lifetime; Lecture 29: Level Broadening: Irreversibility; Lecture 30: Coherent Transport: Overview; Lecture 31: Coherent Transport: Transmission and Examples; Lecture 32: Coherent Transport: Non-Equilibrium Density Matrix; Lecture 33: Coherent Transport: Inflow/Outflow; Lecture 34: Non-Coherent Transport: Why does an Atom Emit Light?; Lecture 35: Non-Coherent Transport: Radiative Lifetime; Lecture 36: Non-Coherent Transport: Radiative Transitions; Lecture 37: Non-Coherent Transport: Phonons, Emission and Absorption; Lecture 38: Non-Coherent Transport: Inflow/Outflow; Lecture 39: Atom to Transistor: "Physics" of Ohm's Law; Lecture 40: Self Consistent Field Method and Its Limitations; Lecture 41: Coulomb Blockade; Lecture 41a: Coulomb Blockade; Lecture 42: Spin

The development of "nanotechnology" has made it possible to engineer materials and devices on a length scale as small as several nanometers (atomic distances are ~ 0.1 nm). The properties of such "nanostructures" cannot be described in terms of macroscopic parameters like mobility and diffusion coefficient and a microscopic or atomistic viewpoint is called for. The purpose of this course is to convey the conceptual framework that underlies this microscopic theory of matter which developed in course of the 20th century following the advent of quantum mechanics. However, this requires us to discuss a lot more than just quantum mechanics - it requires an appreciation of some of the most advanced concepts of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Traditionally these topics are spread out over many physics/ chemistry courses that take many semesters to cover. Our aim is to condense the essential concepts into a one semester course using electrical engineering related examples. The only background we assume is matrix algebra including familiarity with MATLAB (or an equivalent mathematical software package). We use MATLAB-based numerical examples to provide concrete illustrations and we strongly recommend that the students set up their own computer program on a PC to reproduce the results. This hands-on experience is needed to grasp such deep and diverse concepts in so short a time.

These lectures were found via NanoHub website which is a web-based resource for research, education, and collaboration in nanotechnology, is an initiative of the NSF-funded Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN).
They have many more video lectures, seminar videos teaching materials, just visit their website!

And here are some MIT World's nanotechnology video courses/lectures: