Seminars Website
Lectures on String Theory from the Center for Geometry and Theoretical Physics.
Fall 2005:
- Z_4 orbifold limits of K3 and a family of smooth quartic K3s: A nonclassical duality (Katrin Wendland)
- Topological Correlators from the Coulomb Branch (Ilarion Melnikov)
- Some remarks about axions and other pseudoscalar particles (Raul Rabadan)
- Closed String Tachyon Dynamics (Albion Lawrence)
- On singular effective superpotentials in supersymmetric gauge theories (Mohammed Edalati)
- On Moduli Stabilisation in Calabi-Yau Flux Compactifications (Per Berglund)
- An index to count chiral primaries in N=1 d=4 SCFT's (Christian Romelsberger)
- Generalized Kahler geometry and T-duality (Marco Gualtieri)
- Geometric transitions with branes and flux (David Page)
- Elements of Topological M-Theory (Andy Neitzke)
- Flux compactifications and the hybrid formalism (Daniel Robbins)
- Supersymmetric Boundary Conditions for the N = 2 Sigma Model with Non-Abelian Gauge Fields (Sven Rinke)
- Worldsheet RG and target space time evolution (Albion Lawrence)
- Conformality and String Phenomenology (Paul Frampton)
- Counting flux vacua with special properties (Washington Taylor)
- Target Space in Minimal String Theory (David Shih)
- Towards a c-theorem in Four Dimensions (Brian Wecht)
- Non-Lagrangian A-branes and Mirror Symmetry (Paul Grange)
- The type IIB effective action, threebranes and instantons (Christian Stahn)
- LISA in the Sky with Dark Matter (Allan Adams)
- Observing the string: The cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry from string theory an
d the universality of the Green-Schwarz mechanism (Stephon Alexander) - The Coulomb Branch in Gauged Linear Sigma Models (Ilarion Melnikov)
- Dual views of string impurities (Robert Duivenvoorden)
- Residues and world-sheet instantons (Christopher Beasley)
- del Pezzo, Markov and Seiberg (Christopher Herzog)
- Higher derivative terms in harmonic superspace (Philip Argyres)
- Geometric Constructions of Nongeometric String Theories (Brook Williams)
- Effective field theory on unstable branes (Brian Wecht)
- Linear sigma models for open strings, with applications (John McGreevy)
- Toric duality' is Seiberg duality (Ronen Plesser)
- Triples, Fluxes, and Strings (David Morrison)
- Linear Thinking in Perturbative String Theory (Simeon Hellerman)
- D-Branes, Mirror Symmetry and Counting Holomorphic Discs (Mina Aganagic)
- The ADHM Moduli Space and Light Cone Description of Open Membrane Theory (Micha Berkooz)
- M Theory, G_2 Holonomy spaces and N=1 Theories in Four Dimensions (Bobby Acharya)
- String Theory and Derived Categories (Paul Aspinwall)
- Mirror Symmetry and Noncommutative Geometry (Anton Kapustin)
- Low-Energy Physics of Warped Compactifications (Albion Lawrence)
- An analytical approach towards understanding the topology of crepant resolutions of Calabi-Yau orbifolds (Anda Degeratu)
- Elements of D-Geometry (Bartomeu Fiol)
- N=1 Gauge Theory and Warped Deformed Conifold (Igor Klebanov)
- Warped Compactifications on Calabi-Yau Fourfolds (Sergei Gukov)
- M theory and twisted K theory (Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu)
- The Zero-Brane as a Soliton (Shiraz Minwalla)
- A New Perspective on Calabi-Yau Geometry, II (David Morrison)
- A New Perspective on Calabi-Yau Geometry (David Morrison)
- Five Dimensions from Four: On Dimensional Transmogrification (Vijay Balasubramanian)
- Exp(n) (Rajesh Gopakumar)
- Dun with Supersymmetric Three-Cycles (Shamit Kachru)
- Compactifications with G-Flux (Savdeep Sethi)
- D-Branes on Calabi-Yau Threefolds (Albion Lawrence)
- Holomorphic gerbes and field theory (Jean-Luc Brylinski)
- Integers in the Gromov-Witten theory of 3-folds (Pandharipande)
- (unknown title) (Eva Silverstein)
- (unknown title) (Ofer Aharony)
- D-Branes and Asymmetric Orbifolds (Jeff Harvey)
- Conformal Nonsupersymmetric Gauge Theory in d=4 from AdSICFT Superstring Duality (Paul Frampton)
- Four-Manifolds, Symplectic Geometry, and Mirror Symmetry (Nikita Nekrasov)
- D-Branes and Discrete Torsion (Michael Douglas)
- N=2 Supersymmetric Fixed Points at Rank Two (Philip Argyres)
- Brane Configurations and Branes at Singularities (Angel Uranga)
- Holography and Spacetime Locality (Albion Lawrence)
- Constraints from Supersymmetry (Savdeep Sethi)
- Non-abelian Tensor-Multiplet Anomalies from M-Theory (Ruben Minasian)
- Bonus Symmetries of N=4 Super-Yang-Mills Correlation Functions via AdS Duality (Ken Intriligator)
- Strings in Flat Space (Shamit Kachru)
- Kähler Cone Substructure (Eric Sharpe)
- Large N Phases, Holography and Quantum Gravity (Clifford Johnson)
- Non-Spherical Horizons, II (David Morrison)
- Lie Groups, Calabi-Yau Threefolds and Anomalies (Paul Aspinwall)
- Conformal Field Theories from Branes at Singularities (Ronen Plesser)
- Non-Spherical Horizons, I (David Morrison)